OnCore Resources

Study Protocol Management in OnCore

  1. Updating the Staff List
  2. Update Study Sites
  3. Document IRB Reviews
  4. Document IRB approved consent forms
  5. Update Study Status
  6. BCH-Oakland Study Specific Guide: How to Open A Study to Accrual

Study Participant Management in OnCore

  1. Registering Participants
  2. Subject Enrollment and Management
  3. Subject Visit Tracking
  4. Managing Subject Calendar Versions
  5. Serious Adverse Events
  6. Other Subject Related Fees & Reimbursement in OnCore Financials
  7. Administrative & Regulatory Fees in OnCore Financials
  8. Pre-Consent Workflow

Other Quick Guides

  1. OnCore Navigation & Adding a Widget
  2. OnCore Reports
  3. Accessing OnCore Task Lists
  4. Creating and amending invoices in OnCore Financials

OnCore/APeX Interface Information

  1. OnCore Subject Enrollment Tabs: Required Fields
  2. Participant Status Mapping Across OnCore-APeX Interface
  3. Race/Ethnicity Mappings Across OnCore-APeX
  4. Matrix for Where to Make Changes to Your Study
  5. CRC Process Map: New Study Subject Consented
  6. CRC Process Map: Subject Eligible, On/Off Study, On/Off Treatment, On Follow Up, Has Upcoming Visit
  7. CRC Process Map: Subject Visit Missed or Changed, CRC Entered Erroneous Visit Information
  8. Linking Encounters in APeX 
  9. Find Patients Needing a Timeline in APeX
  10. APeX Research Timelines and Protocols
  11. APeX Research Timelines Q&A
  12. Job Aid: Common Billing Tasks


OnCore/iRIS Interface Information

  1. iRIS to OnCore Integration Quick Guide
  2. iRIS to OnCore Integration Overview 


OCTA Tableau Dashboards

The OCTA dashboards track progress, status, and performance of activation activities of studies entered in OnCore. UCSF staff can create a customized report to be sent to your inbox. Using your UCSF My Access Credentials, find details on the dashboards, how to gain access and training quick guides at OCTA Tableau Dashboards - OnCore Wiki - Wiki@UCSF.

Current Activation Pipeline Dashboard (CAPDash)



OnCore Helpdesk: [email protected] or 415-502-2962.
