Dear UCSF and BCHO Research Teams:
Starting August 17, The Office of Clinical Trial Activation (OCTA) will be using ServiceNow for new OnCore protocols and coverage analysis requests. Please submit all new and amendment requests utilizing the ServiceNow form at the following link: We will be deactivating the existing Qualtrics survey and stop accepting requests via email on August 17.
Once we verify all the necessary information and documents from ServiceNow to create OnCore calendars and perform coverage analysis, we will close the ServiceNow ticket and a corresponding OnCore Task Management list will be created where you can track the activation build progress.
The new ServiceNow form asks for the same amount of information and necessary documents. If you’re familiar with the Qualtrics form, the questions are more streamlined. We’re hoping this new method will help us at OCTA prioritize your requests while also providing the transparency that comes with a ticketing system.
There are two Zoom sessions scheduled where you can drop-in to obtain an overview and ask away.
Friday - 8/14/2020 (12:00 – 12:45 p.m.)
Tuesday - 8/18/2020 (12:00 – 12:45 p.m.)